Tuesday, April 16, 2013

How to clear App-V Cache

This has become my favorite site today because one of the issue which I was facing in App-V while testing was because the App-V cache was not getting cleared.
I used one of the method used here and it worked for me.
I want to share this link with all and want to bookmark it for myself for future reference.


In Summary, these are a few good options to start with:

First, get a list of all AppV applications:
sftmime query obj:app /short
Remove all applications from the cache:
sftmime.exe remove obj:app /global /complete
Remove a specific application from the cache:
sftmime.exe remove app:”applicationName” /complete

Hope your issues are solved with this as well.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great stuff Piyush!

Too bad none of this applies for App-V 5 anymore... :(